Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cause & Effect Practice

Today we did a quick Cause & Effect lesson. Students used their whiteboards to show me their answers. I love using this EPR strategy as I can see what everyone is thinking. Then, I know which questions we need to talk a bit more about.

You can get the Cause & Effect ppt here.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Writing Dialogue with Conversation Hearts

Our students have been working on adding dialogue into their narratives. In order to both practice our new skill and get into the Valentine's Day spirit, we wrote dialogue with conversation hearts.

The students were given two conversation hearts (I went through and sorted out the "Kiss Me", "First Kiss", "Love Me", etc.) and had to build a dialogue from them. We practiced together first.

Then the students got busy with their own conversation heart dialogue. They rough drafted in their composition journals and completed a final draft. Students created a drawing scene to go with their dialogue. Then we jazzed them up with some fancy scissors and festive cardstock.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cursive Handwriting Check

My 3rd graders "graduated" from their Cursive Handwriting book the first week in January. Since then, I have been writing (almost) everything in cursive. I have found that they are able to write in cursive, but it is hard for them to read the cursive. This is especially true since everyone has a bit different cursive style (it is handwriting, afterall!).

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences are coming up and I want my students to have a product to show their parents about cursive. I found this idea for Kindergarteners to practice writing with using their classmates as "things" to write about. I decided to amp it up a bit and have my students use the same format, but to write the names in cursive. They LOVED it! It was fun for them to write their friends' names.

I am excited to have parents see what their child has learned in cursive. Here are a few shots of them working on their writing.:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Super Bowl Prediction

The votes are in! My third graders have predicted the winners of the 2013 Super Bowl to be the San Francisco 49ers. My students decorated helmets and we created a graph to display their choices.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Art: Sunflowers

Today we made sunflowers to finish up our week celebrating Kansas's Birthday. We did a crayon resist sunflower with blue watercolors.
Happy Art Friday!!