This can be used for an exit ticket at the end of the day or a way for students to provide informal feedback to you about any topic. I am excited to make mine into a fish theme! This idea is from The Teaching Thief.

I have had a Must Do/Can Do chart on my whiteboard for many years and my students just LOVE to get to their Can Dos! But this is such a cute way to display it to the students. This idea is from Mrs. Stephen's First Grade Safari.
My third graders can begin to get a bit lazy as the year goes on with their writing. I hope going over expectations inspired by this anchor chart help! This idea is from My Life As A Fifth Grade Teacher.
This photography idea is from Christine Kay. I think recording what the students would like to be when they grow up during the first day/week of school is an awesome idea. Then, revisiting it at the end of the school year!
For the most part, my students are obsessed with using their cursive. We do a lot of art projects involving cursive and I think this one will definitely need to be added to the mix! This idea is from a French & Art teacher at Artisan Des Arts.
I love the exit slip idea! So much easier than hand collecting them.
One Class, One Sound
I love the "Own It" and Exit Slips posters-so cute and helpful! I'm curious about the Must Do/Can Do poster-how do you use this with your students?
I use Must Do/Can Dos during "extra" time of our days. Sometimes it's for fast finishers or when we have time for students to finish a project. Their Must Do list may be: Finish Insect Research, Decorate name to laminate. While Can Dos (which they must be done with all their Must Dos to get to the Can Do list!) are things they can choose from: Finish weekly cursive, Play a math center game, Free reading, Write a story.
DeleteMy students like the freedom of choosing their own activity when they are done with their required work.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions :)